Durade's memorial cemetery

date of death: 16/04/????

known politics: "kill everyone now!"

personality: abrasive

known to be unapologetically queer

"Sinner, you better get ready… / sinner, you better get ready, hallelujah... in unforgiving night God came / plainly spoke my given name (I heard a lumbering in the sky) / upon your pale, pale body I will put many hands (made me think my time was nigh) / and rough, rough fingers for every hole you have (won’t be the water, be the fire next time) / but the kingdom and the power and the glory are yours! (and time is coming when the sinner must die) / the cool and quiet darkness that surrounds you is yours! the fires that swallow up the silent mountains are yours! / the floods that drown the deserts and the valleys are yours!

"The lord spat and held me by my neck / 'I would die for you, I would die for you' he wept... the lord held me by my neck / 'I wish things could be different” he wept'"






Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ornare odio et mi ullamcorper convallis. Quisque posuere finibus condimentum. Cras euismod, nulla et finibus finibus, nulla leo interdum dolor, vel malesuada ipsum enim a diam.

In gravida eleifend risus, vitae fringilla lacus lacinia scelerisque. Duis arcu sapien, pulvinar lacinia nunc non, scelerisque venenatis mauris. Nulla pulvinar turpis non odio lacinia, pulvinar convallis nisl pellentesque.

Mauris sit amet elit urna. Donec et ipsum dictum, posuere nisl a, luctus libero. Morbi pulvinar ex ut massa fermentum, vel lacinia ante placerat. Mauris hendrerit ut tortor eu hendrerit. Pellentesque tincidunt quam ipsum, non euismod dolor rhoncus ac. Integer ut neque lorem. Nullam sed hendrerit quam, finibus rhoncus mauris.






Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ornare odio et mi ullamcorper convallis. Quisque posuere finibus condimentum. Cras euismod, nulla et finibus finibus, nulla leo interdum dolor, vel malesuada ipsum enim a diam.

In gravida eleifend risus, vitae fringilla lacus lacinia scelerisque. Duis arcu sapien, pulvinar lacinia nunc non, scelerisque venenatis mauris. Nulla pulvinar turpis non odio lacinia, pulvinar convallis nisl pellentesque.

Mauris sit amet elit urna. Donec et ipsum dictum, posuere nisl a, luctus libero. Morbi pulvinar ex ut massa fermentum, vel lacinia ante placerat. Mauris hendrerit ut tortor eu hendrerit. Pellentesque tincidunt quam ipsum, non euismod dolor rhoncus ac. Integer ut neque lorem. Nullam sed hendrerit quam, finibus rhoncus mauris.


This site was created as a love letter to everything I'm interested in and that by consequence has helped me keep breathing.

Here you will find a cemetery of all the things duradecore and all the things I love and that I wish I could take to the grave with me.

But please be aware that absorbing these memories may cause discoloration of the urine or feces.


